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Writer's pictureNathaniel Webber-Cook

Unleashing the Power of YouTube: How Writers Can Harness the Platform for Success

As I envisioned myself, in the late hours of the night, positioned by the window, a surge of inspiration washed over me. All those books, carefully penned in the margins of my engineering notebooks, beckoned me to bring them to life. Countless stories remained nestled within, patiently awaiting their moment to shine.

During those moments, the realm of earning a living as an author seemed simple and straightforward, limited to two essential elements: writing and publishing. There was no room for anything else; no need for complex strategies or convoluted paths.

Compose the book. Revise it meticulously, time and again. Craft an appealing cover design. Curate the necessary metadata. And then, with unwavering determination, click that publish button!

However, in today's world, the avenues for generating income have expanded significantly, extending far beyond the realm of writing text. The progress of the world and technology has propelled us to the next level of possibilities.

Nowadays, we have:

  1. Audiobooks

  2. Videos

  3. Podcasts

When I first embarked on this journey, I believed that ebooks alone would suffice to secure a satisfactory full-time income. However, I have come to realize why numerous writers on YouTube advocate for diversifying one's income streams as much as possible.

Having multiple income streams provides a safety net in case one falters, ensuring continued support.

Back in my college days, I held the notion that YouTube was solely meant for entertainment purposes, oblivious to the vast array of opportunities it held. It was only during the pandemic that I discovered my existing YouTube account, and since then, my perspective has undergone a significant transformation.

Today, YouTube serves as an invaluable platform where anyone can acquire knowledge on virtually any subject. Personally, I have utilized YouTube to learn various skills, such as Python programming, audio file editing, and even designing ebook covers.

As mentioned previously, I maintain a YouTube channel with a focus on developers. However, my last upload to the channel dates back to July 2022.

You might be wondering why I continually emphasize the importance of writers being present on the YouTube platform. Allow me to shed light on the transformations I have observed within my YouTube dashboard.

These are a few noteworthy observations I have made:

I have noticed several positive developments on my YouTube journey that further underscore the significance of being present on the platform:

  1. My older videos continue to receive views, demonstrating that they do not get lost in the vast sea of content. YouTube occasionally promotes them, ensuring they reach new audiences.

  2. Although the growth may be gradual, I am consistently gaining subscribers each month, indicating a steady increase in my channel's audience.

  3. There has been a notable rise in watch time, suggesting that viewers are engaging with my content for longer durations.

What does all this mean? It signifies that YouTube can serve as a source of passive income, as even older videos have the potential to generate revenue over time.

Furthermore, YouTube actively supports new creators and possesses a deep understanding of its audience, making it an ideal platform for aspiring content creators.

Lastly, an important development worth noting is that Google now recommends YouTube videos on its search engine, expanding the reach and visibility of YouTube content even further.

By being on YouTube, you open up the opportunity to receive views from search engine results pages, broadening your audience reach.

A single video possesses the potential to connect with audiences through various channels, thereby providing multiple avenues for monetization.

Now, why should writers consider embracing YouTube?

  1. Additional Income Stream: By establishing a presence on YouTube, writers can add another source of income to their repertoire.

  2. Repurposing Written Content: Writers can repurpose their existing written content for video format, maximizing its reach and appeal to a wider audience.

  3. Book Promotion: YouTube serves as a powerful platform to promote and market your own books, engaging readers in a visual and interactive manner.

  4. Affiliate Programs (albeit rare): While affiliate programs may not be as common for fiction writers, there can be niche cases where writers can explore these opportunities.

By embracing YouTube, writers can tap into these benefits, expanding their income streams, leveraging their written content, and effectively promoting their literary works.


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